Source code for python_pachyderm.util

import os
from pathlib import Path

from .proto.pps.pps_pb2 import Transform, CreatePipelineRequest, BuildSpec

from google.protobuf import json_format

# Default script for running python code with wheels in a pipeline that was
# deployed with `create_python_pipeline`.
set -{set_args}

cd /pfs/{source_repo_name}
pip install /pfs/{build_pipeline_name}/*.whl

# Default script for running python code without wheels in a pipeline that was
# deployed with `create_python_pipeline`.
set -{set_args}

cd /pfs/{source_repo_name}

# Default script for building python wheels for a pipeline that was deployed
# with `create_python_pipeline`.
set -{set_args}
python --version
pip --version

cd /pfs/{source_repo_name}
test -f requirements.txt && pip wheel -r requirements.txt -w /pfs/out

[docs]def put_files(client, source_path, commit, dest_path, **kwargs): """Utility function for inserting files from the local `source_path` to Pachyderm. Roughly equivalent to ``pachctl put file [-r]``. Parameters ---------- client : Client The :class:`.Client` instance to use. source_path : str The file/directory to recursively insert content from. commit : Union[tuple, str, Commit protobuf] The ``Commit`` object to use for inserting files. dest_path : str The destination path in PFS. **kwargs : dict Keyword arguments to forward. See ``PutFileClient.put_file_from_fileobj()`` for details. """ with client.put_file_client() as pfc: if os.path.isfile(source_path): pfc.put_file_from_filepath(commit, dest_path, source_path, **kwargs) elif os.path.isdir(source_path): for root, _, filenames in os.walk(source_path): for filename in filenames: source_filepath = os.path.join(root, filename) dest_filepath = os.path.join( dest_path, os.path.relpath(source_filepath, start=source_path) ) pfc.put_file_from_filepath( commit, dest_filepath, source_filepath, **kwargs ) else: raise Exception("Please provide an existing directory or file")
[docs]def create_python_pipeline( client, path, input=None, pipeline_name=None, image_pull_secrets=None, debug=None, env=None, secrets=None, image=None, update=False, **pipeline_kwargs ): """Utility function for creating (or updating) a pipeline specially built for executing python code that is stored locally at `path`. A normal pipeline creation process requires you to first build and push a container image with the source and dependencies baked in. As an alternative process, this function circumvents container image creation by using build step-enabled pipelines. See the pachyderm core docs for more info. If `path` references a directory, it should have: - A ````, as the pipeline entry-point. - An optional ``requirements.txt`` that specifies pip requirements. Parameters ---------- client : Client The `Client` instance to use. path : str The directory containing the python pipeline source, or an individual python file. input : Input protobuf, optional An ``Input`` object specifying the pipeline input. pipeline_name : str, optional A string specifying the pipeline name. Defaults to using the last directory name in `path`. image_pull_secrets : List[str], optional A list of strings specifying the pipeline transform's image pull secrets, which are used for pulling images from a private registry. Defaults to `None`, in which case the public docker registry will be used. See the pipeline spec document for more details. debug : bool, optional Specifies whether debug logging should be enabled for the pipeline. Defaults to `False`. env : Dict[str, str], optional A mapping of string keys to string values specifying custom environment variables. secrets : List[Secret protobufs], optional A list of `Secret` objects for secret environment variables. image : str, optional A string specifying the docker image to use for the pipeline. Defaults to using pachyderm's official python language builder. update : bool, optional Whether to act as an upsert. **pipeline_kwargs : dict Keyword arguments to forward to `create_pipeline`. """ return client.create_pipeline( pipeline_name or Path(path).name, Transform( image_pull_secrets=image_pull_secrets, debug=debug, env=env, secrets=secrets, build=BuildSpec(path=path, image=image) if image else BuildSpec(path=path, language="python"), ), update=update, input=input, **pipeline_kwargs )
[docs]def parse_json_pipeline_spec(j): """Parses a string of JSON into a `CreatePipelineRequest` protobuf.""" return json_format.Parse(j, CreatePipelineRequest())
[docs]def parse_dict_pipeline_spec(d): """Parses a dict of serialized JSON into a `CreatePipelineRequest` protobuf. """ return json_format.ParseDict(d, CreatePipelineRequest())