Source code for python_pachyderm.mixin.auth

import warnings
from python_pachyderm.service import Service

[docs]class AuthMixin:
[docs] def activate_auth(self, subject, github_token=None, root_token=None): """Activates auth, creating an initial set of admins. Returns a string that can be used for making authenticated requests. Parameters ---------- subject : str If set to a github user (i.e. it has a 'github:' prefix or no prefix) then Pachyderm will confirm that it matches the user associated with `github_token`. If set to a robot user (i.e. it has a 'robot:' prefix), then Pachyderm will generate a new token for the robot user; this token will be the only way to administer this cluster until more admins are added. github_token : str, optional This is the token returned by GitHub and used to authenticate the caller. When Pachyderm is deployed locally, setting this value to a given string will automatically authenticate the caller as a GitHub user whose username is that string (unless this "looks like" a GitHub access code, in which case Pachyderm does retrieve the corresponding GitHub username) root_token : str, optional Unused """ return self._req( Service.AUTH, "Activate", subject=subject, github_token=github_token ).pach_token
[docs] def deactivate_auth(self): """Deactivates auth, removing all ACLs, tokens, and admins from the Pachyderm cluster and making all data publicly accessible. """ return self._req(Service.AUTH, "Deactivate")
[docs] def get_auth_configuration(self): """ Gets the auth configuration. Returns an `AuthConfig` object. """ return self._req(Service.AUTH, "GetConfiguration").configuration
[docs] def set_auth_configuration(self, configuration): """Set the auth configuration. Parameters ---------- config : AuthConfig protobuf The auth configuration. """ return self._req(Service.AUTH, "SetConfiguration", configuration=configuration)
[docs] def get_admins(self): """Returns a list of strings specifying the cluster admins.""" warnings.warn( "deprecated in 1.11, use 'get_cluster_role_bindings' instead", DeprecationWarning, ) return self._req(Service.AUTH, "GetAdmins").admins
[docs] def modify_admins(self, add=None, remove=None): """Adds and/or removes admins. Parameters ---------- add : List[str], optional A list of strings specifying admins to add. remove : List[str], optional A list of strings specifying admins to remove. """ warnings.warn( "deprecated in 1.11, use 'modify_cluster_role_binding' instead", DeprecationWarning, ) return self._req( Service.AUTH, "ModifyAdmins", add=add or [], remove=remove or [] )
[docs] def get_cluster_role_bindings(self): """Returns the current set of cluster role bindings.""" return self._req(Service.AUTH, "GetClusterRoleBindings")
[docs] def modify_cluster_role_binding(self, principal, roles=None): """Sets the list of admin roles for a principal. Parameters ---------- principal : str, optional A string specifying the principal. roles : ClusterRoles protobuf A `ClusterRoles` object specifying cluster-wide permissions the principal has. If unspecified, all roles are revoked for the principal. """ return self._req( Service.AUTH, "ModifyClusterRoleBinding", principal=principal, roles=roles )
[docs] def get_oidc_login(self): """Returns the OIDC login configuration.""" return self._req(Service.AUTH, "GetOIDCLogin")
[docs] def authenticate_github(self, github_token): """Authenticates a GitHub user to the Pachyderm cluster. Returns a string that can be used for making authenticated requests. Parameters ---------- github_token: str This is the token returned by GitHub and used to authenticate the caller. When Pachyderm is deployed locally, setting this value to a given string will automatically authenticate the caller as a GitHub user whose username is that string (unless this "looks like" a GitHub access code, in which case Pachyderm does retrieve the corresponding GitHub username.) """ return self._req( Service.AUTH, "Authenticate", github_token=github_token ).pach_token
[docs] def authenticate_oidc(self, oidc_state): """Authenticates a user to the Pachyderm cluster via OIDC. Returns a string that can be used for making authenticated requests. Parameters ---------- oidc_state : str The OIDC state token. """ return self._req(Service.AUTH, "Authenticate", oidc_state=oidc_state).pach_token
[docs] def authenticate_id_token(self, id_token): """Authenticates a user to the Pachyderm cluster using an ID token issued by the OIDC provider. The token must include the Pachyderm client_id in the set of audiences to be valid. Returns a string that can be used for making authenticated requests. Parameters ---------- id_token : str The ID token. """ return self._req(Service.AUTH, "Authenticate", id_token=id_token).pach_token
[docs] def authenticate_one_time_password(self, one_time_password): """Authenticates a user to the Pachyderm cluster using a one-time password. Returns a string that can be used for making authenticated requests. Parameters ---------- one_time_password : str This is a short-lived, one-time-use password generated by Pachyderm, for the purpose of propagating authentication to new clients (e.g. from the dash to pachd.) """ return self._req( Service.AUTH, "Authenticate", one_time_password=one_time_password ).pach_token
[docs] def authorize(self, repo, scope): """Authorizes the user to a given repo/scope. Return a bool specifying if the caller has at least `scope`-level access to `repo`. Parameters ---------- repo : str The repo name that the caller wants access to. scope : int The access level that the caller needs to perform an action. See the ``Scope`` enum for variants. """ return self._req(Service.AUTH, "Authorize", repo=repo, scope=scope).authorized
[docs] def who_am_i(self): """Returns info about the user tied to this :class:`.Client`.""" return self._req(Service.AUTH, "WhoAmI")
[docs] def get_scope(self, username, repos): """Gets the auth scope. Returns a list of `Scope` objects. Parameters ---------- username : str A string specifying the principal (some of which belong to robots rather than users, but the name is preserved for now to provide compatibility with the pachyderm dash) whose access level is queried. To query the access level of a robot user, the caller must prefix username with "robot:". If `username` has no prefix (i.e. no ":"), then it's assumed to be a github user's principal. repos : List[str] A list of strings specifying the objects to which `username`s access level is being queried """ return self._req( Service.AUTH, "GetScope", username=username, repos=repos ).scopes
[docs] def set_scope(self, username, repo, scope): """Set the auth scope. Parameters ---------- username : str A string specifying the principal (some of which belong to robots rather than users, but the name is preserved for now to provide compatibility with the pachyderm dash) whose access level is queried. To query the access level of a robot user, the caller must prefix username with "robot:". If 'username' has no prefix (i.e. no ":"), then it's assumed to be a github user's principal. repo : str A string specifying the object to which `username`s access level is being granted/revoked. scope : int The access level that `username` will now have. See the ``Scope`` enum for variants. """ return self._req( Service.AUTH, "SetScope", username=username, repo=repo, scope=scope )
[docs] def get_acl(self, repo): """Gets the ACL of a repo. Returns a ``GetACLResponse`` object. Parameters ---------- repo : str The repo to get an ACL for. """ return self._req(Service.AUTH, "GetACL", repo=repo)
[docs] def set_acl(self, repo, entries): """Sets the ACL of a repo. Parameters ---------- repo : str The repo to set an ACL on. entries : List[ACLEntry protobuf] A list of `ACLEntry` objects. """ return self._req(Service.AUTH, "SetACL", repo=repo, entries=entries)
[docs] def get_auth_token(self, subject, ttl=None): """Gets an auth token for a subject. Returns an ``GetAuthTokenResponse`` object. Parameters ---------- subject : str The returned token will allow the caller to access resources as this subject. ttl : int, optional Indicates the approximate remaining lifetime of this token, in seconds. """ return self._req(Service.AUTH, "GetAuthToken", subject=subject, ttl=ttl)
[docs] def extend_auth_token(self, token, ttl): """Extends an existing auth token. Parameters ---------- token : str Indicates the Pachyderm token whose TTL is being extended. ttl : int Indicates the approximate remaining lifetime of this token, in seconds. """ return self._req(Service.AUTH, "ExtendAuthToken", token=token, ttl=ttl)
[docs] def revoke_auth_token(self, token): """Revokes an auth token. Parameters ---------- token : str Indicates the Pachyderm token that is being revoked. """ return self._req(Service.AUTH, "RevokeAuthToken", token=token)
[docs] def set_groups_for_user(self, username, groups): """Sets the group membership for a user. Parameters ---------- username : str The username. groups : List[str] The groups to add `username` to. """ return self._req( Service.AUTH, "SetGroupsForUser", username=username, groups=groups )
[docs] def modify_members(self, group, add=None, remove=None): """Adds and/or removes members of a group. Parameters ---------- group : str The group to modify. add : List[str], optional A list of strings specifying members to add. remove : List[str], optional A list of strings specifying members to remove. """ return self._req( Service.AUTH, "ModifyMembers", group=group, add=add or [], remove=remove or [], )
[docs] def get_groups(self, username=None): """Gets which groups the given `username` belongs to. Returns a list of strings. Parameters ---------- username : str, optional The username. """ return self._req(Service.AUTH, "GetGroups", username=username).groups
[docs] def get_users(self, group): """Gets which users below to the `given`. Returns a list of strings. Parameters ---------- group : str The group to list users for. """ return self._req(Service.AUTH, "GetUsers", group=group).usernames
[docs] def get_one_time_password(self, subject=None, ttl=None): """If this :class:`.Client` is authenticated as an admin, you can generate a one-time password for any given `subject`. If the caller is not an admin or the `subject` is not set, a one-time password will be returned for logged-in subject. Returns a string. Parameters ---------- subject : str, optional The subject. ttl : int, optional Indicates the approximate remaining lifetime of this token, in seconds. """ return self._req( Service.AUTH, "GetOneTimePassword", subject=subject, ttl=ttl ).code
[docs] def extract_auth_tokens(self): """ This maps to an internal function that is only used for migration. Pachyderm's `extract` and `restore` functionality calls `extract_auth_tokens` and `restore_auth_tokens` to move Pachyderm tokens between clusters during migration. Currently this function is only used for Pachyderm internals, so we're avoiding support for this function in python-pachyderm client until we find a use for it (feel free to file an issue in """ raise NotImplementedError( "extract/restore are for testing and internal use only" )
[docs] def restore_auth_token(self, token=None): """ This maps to an internal function that is only used for migration. Pachyderm's `extract` and `restore` functionality calls `extract_auth_tokens` and `restore_auth_tokens` to move Pachyderm tokens between clusters during migration. Currently this function is only used for Pachyderm internals, so we're avoiding support for this function in python-pachyderm client until we find a use for it (feel free to file an issue in """ raise NotImplementedError( "extract/restore are for testing and internal use only" )