Source code for python_pachyderm.mixin.pfs

import io
import os
import re
import itertools
import tarfile
from contextlib import contextmanager
from typing import Iterator, Union, List, BinaryIO

import grpc
from betterproto import BytesValue

from python_pachyderm.pfs import commit_from, uuid_re, SubcommitType
from python_pachyderm.proto.v2.pfs import pfs_pb2, pfs_pb2_grpc
from google.protobuf import empty_pb2, wrappers_pb2

BUFFER_SIZE = 19 * 1024 * 1024

[docs]class PFSTarFile(tarfile.TarFile): def __iter__(self): for tarinfo in super().__iter__(): if os.path.isabs(tarinfo.path): # Hack to prevent extraction to absolute paths. tarinfo.path = tarinfo.path[1:] if tarinfo.mode == 0: # Hack to prevent writing files with no permissions. tarinfo.mode = 0o700 yield tarinfo
[docs]class PFSFile: """File-like objects containing content of a file stored in PFS. Examples -------- >>> # client.get_file() returns a PFSFile >>> source_file = client.get_file(("montage", "master"), "/montage.png") >>> with open("montage.png", "wb") as dest_file: >>> shutil.copyfileobj(source_file, dest_file) ... >>> with client.get_file(("montage", "master"), "/montage2.png") as f: >>> content = """ def __init__(self, stream: Iterator[BytesValue]): self._stream = stream self._buffer = bytearray() try: first_message = next(self._stream) except grpc.RpcError as err: raise ConnectionError("Error creating the PFSFile") from err self._buffer.extend(first_message.value) def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, type, val, tb): self.close()
[docs] def read(self, size: int = -1) -> bytes: """Reads from the :class:`.PFSFile` buffer. Parameters ---------- size : int, optional If set, the number of bytes to read from the buffer. Returns ------- bytes Content from the stream. """ try: if size == -1: # Consume the entire stream. for message in self._stream: self._buffer.extend(message.value) result, self._buffer[:] = self._buffer[:], b"" return bytes(result) elif len(self._buffer) < size: for message in self._stream: self._buffer.extend(message.value) if len(self._buffer) >= size: break except grpc.RpcError: pass size = min(size, len(self._buffer)) result, self._buffer[:size] = self._buffer[:size], b"" return bytes(result)
[docs] def close(self) -> None: """Closes the :class:`.PFSFile`.""" self._stream.cancel()
[docs]class PFSMixin: """A mixin with pfs-related functionality.""" _channel: grpc.Channel def __init__(self): self.__stub = pfs_pb2_grpc.APIStub(self._channel) super().__init__()
[docs] def create_repo( self, repo_name: str, description: str = None, update: bool = False ) -> None: """Creates a new repo object in PFS with the given name. Repos are the top level data object in PFS and should be used to store data of a similar type. For example rather than having a single repo for an entire project you might have separate repos for logs, metrics, database dumps etc. Parameters ---------- repo_name : str Name of the repo. description : str, optional Description of the repo. update : bool, optional Whether to update if the repo already exists. """ message = pfs_pb2.CreateRepoRequest( description=description, repo=pfs_pb2.Repo(name=repo_name, type="user"), update=update, ) self.__stub.CreateRepo(message)
[docs] def inspect_repo(self, repo_name: str) -> pfs_pb2.RepoInfo: """Inspects a repo. Parameters ---------- repo_name : str Name of the repo. Returns ------- pfs_pb2.RepoInfo A protobuf object with info on the repo. """ message = pfs_pb2.InspectRepoRequest( repo=pfs_pb2.Repo(name=repo_name, type="user") ) return self.__stub.InspectRepo(message)
[docs] def list_repo(self, type: str = "user") -> Iterator[pfs_pb2.RepoInfo]: """Lists all repos in PFS. Parameters ---------- type : str, optional The type of repos that should be returned ("user", "meta", "spec"). If unset, returns all types of repos. Returns ------- Iterator[pfs_pb2.RepoInfo] An iterator of protobuf objects that contain info on a repo. """ message = pfs_pb2.ListRepoRequest(type=type) return self.__stub.ListRepo(message)
[docs] def delete_repo(self, repo_name: str, force: bool = False) -> None: """Deletes a repo and reclaims the storage space it was using. Parameters ---------- repo_name : str The name of the repo. force : bool, optional If set to true, the repo will be removed regardless of errors. Use with care. """ message = pfs_pb2.DeleteRepoRequest( force=force, repo=pfs_pb2.Repo(name=repo_name, type="user"), ) self.__stub.DeleteRepo(message)
[docs] def delete_all_repos(self) -> None: """Deletes all repos.""" message = empty_pb2.Empty() self.__stub.DeleteAll(message)
[docs] def start_commit( self, repo_name: str, branch: str, parent: Union[str, SubcommitType] = None, description: str = None, ) -> pfs_pb2.Commit: """Begins the process of committing data to a repo. Once started you can write to the commit with ModifyFile. When all the data has been written, you must finish the commit with FinishCommit. NOTE: data is not persisted until FinishCommit is called. Parameters ---------- repo_name : str The name of the repo. branch_name : str A string specifying the branch. parent : Union[str, SubcommitType], optional A commit specifying the parent of the newly created commit. Upon creation, before data is modified, the new commit will appear identical to the parent. description : str, optional A description of the commit. Returns ------- pfs_pb2.Commit A protobuf object that represents an open subcommit (commit at the repo-level). Examples -------- >>> c = client.start_commit("foo", "master", ("foo", "staging")) """ repo = pfs_pb2.Repo(name=repo_name, type="user") if parent and isinstance(parent, str): parent = pfs_pb2.Commit( id=parent, branch=pfs_pb2.Branch(name=None, repo=repo), ) message = pfs_pb2.StartCommitRequest( branch=pfs_pb2.Branch(name=branch, repo=repo), description=description, parent=commit_from(parent), ) return self.__stub.StartCommit(message)
[docs] def finish_commit( self, commit: SubcommitType, description: str = None, error: str = None, force: bool = False, ) -> None: """Ends the process of committing data to a repo and persists the commit. Once a commit is finished the data becomes immutable and future attempts to write to it with ModifyFile will error. Parameters ---------- commit : SubcommitType The subcommit (commit at the repo-level) object to close. description : str, optional A description of the commit. It will overwrite the description set in ``start_commit()``. error : str, optional If set, a message that errors out the commit. Don't use unless you want the finish commit request to fail. force : bool, optional If true, forces commit to finish, even if it breaks provenance. Examples -------- Commit needs to be open still, either from the result of ``start_commit()`` or within scope of ``commit()`` >>> client.start_commit("foo", "master") >>> # modify open commit >>> client.finish_commit(("foo", "master")) ... >>> # same as above >>> c = client.start_commit("foo", "master") >>> # modify open commit >>> client.finish_commit(c) """ message = pfs_pb2.FinishCommitRequest( commit=commit_from(commit), description=description, error=error, force=force, ) self.__stub.FinishCommit(message)
[docs] @contextmanager def commit( self, repo_name: str, branch: str, parent: Union[str, SubcommitType] = None, description: str = None, ) -> Iterator[pfs_pb2.Commit]: """A context manager for running operations within a commit. Parameters ---------- repo_name : str The name of the repo. branch : str A string specifying the branch. parent : Union[str, SubcommitType], optional A commit specifying the parent of the newly created commit. Upon creation, before data is modified, the new commit will appear identical to the parent. description : str, optional A description of the commit. Yields ------- pfs_pb2.Commit A protobuf object that represents a commit. Examples -------- >>> with client.commit("foo", "master") as c: >>> client.delete_file(c, "/dir/delete_me.txt") >>> client.put_file_bytes(c, "/new_file.txt", b"DATA") """ commit = self.start_commit(repo_name, branch, parent, description) try: yield commit finally: self.finish_commit(commit)
[docs] def inspect_commit( self, commit: Union[str, SubcommitType], commit_state: pfs_pb2.CommitState = pfs_pb2.CommitState.STARTED, ) -> Iterator[pfs_pb2.CommitInfo]: """Inspects a commit. Parameters ---------- commit : Union[str, SubcommitType] The commit to inspect. Can either be a commit ID or a commit object that represents a subcommit (commit at the repo-level). commit_state : {pfs_pb2.CommitState.STARTED, pfs_pb2.CommitState.READY, pfs_pb2.CommitState.FINISHING, pfs_pb2.CommitState.FINISHED}, optional An enum that causes the method to block until the commit is in the specified state. (Default value = ``pfs_pb2.CommitState.STARTED``) Returns ------- Iterator[pfs_pb2.CommitInfo] An iterator of protobuf objects that contain info on a subcommit (commit at the repo-level). Examples -------- >>> # commit at repo-level >>> list(client.inspect_commit(("foo", "master~2"))) ... >>> # an entire commit >>> for commit in client.inspect_commit("467c580611234cdb8cc9758c7aa96087", pfs_pb2.CommitState.FINISHED) >>> print(commit) .. # noqa: W505 """ if not isinstance(commit, str): message = pfs_pb2.InspectCommitRequest( commit=commit_from(commit), wait=commit_state ) return iter([self.__stub.InspectCommit(message)]) elif uuid_re.match(commit): message = pfs_pb2.InspectCommitSetRequest( commit_set=pfs_pb2.CommitSet(id=commit), wait=commit_state == pfs_pb2.CommitState.FINISHED, ) return self.__stub.InspectCommitSet(message) raise ValueError( "bad argument: commit should either be a commit ID (str) or a commit-like object" )
[docs] def list_commit( self, repo_name: str = None, to_commit: SubcommitType = None, from_commit: SubcommitType = None, number: int = None, reverse: bool = False, all: bool = False, origin_kind: pfs_pb2.OriginKind = pfs_pb2.OriginKind.USER, ) -> Union[Iterator[pfs_pb2.CommitInfo], Iterator[pfs_pb2.CommitSetInfo]]: """Lists commits. Parameters ---------- repo_name : str, optional The name of a repo. If set, returns subcommits (commit at repo-level) only in this repo. to_commit : SubcommitType, optional A subcommit (commit at repo-level) that only impacts results if `repo_name` is specified. If set, only the ancestors of `to_commit`, including `to_commit`, are returned. from_commit : SubcommitType, optional A subcommit (commit at repo-level) that only impacts results if `repo_name` is specified. If set, only the descendants of `from_commit`, including `from_commit`, are returned. number : int, optional The number of subcommits to return. If unset, all subcommits that matched the aforementioned criteria are returned. Only impacts results if `repo_name` is specified. reverse : bool, optional If true, returns the subcommits oldest to newest. Only impacts results if `repo_name` is specified. all : bool, optional If true, returns all types of subcommits. Otherwise, alias subcommits are excluded. Only impacts results if `repo_name` is specified. origin_kind : {pfs_pb2.OriginKind.USER, pfs_pb2.OriginKind.AUTO, pfs_pb2.OriginKind.FSCK, pfs_pb2.OriginKind.ALIAS}, optional An enum that specifies how a subcommit originated. Returns only subcommits of this enum type. Only impacts results if `repo_name` is specified. Returns ------- Union[Iterator[pfs_pb2.CommitInfo], Iterator[pfs_pb2.CommitSetInfo]] An iterator of protobuf objects that either contain info on a subcommit (commit at the repo-level), if `repo_name` was specified, or a commit, if `repo_name` wasn't specified. Examples -------- >>> # all commits at repo-level >>> for c in client.list_commit("foo"): >>> print(c) ... >>> # all commits >>> commits = list(client.list_commit()) .. # noqa: W505 """ if repo_name is not None: message = pfs_pb2.ListCommitRequest( repo=pfs_pb2.Repo(name=repo_name, type="user"), number=number, reverse=reverse, all=all, origin_kind=origin_kind, ) if to_commit is not None: if from_commit is not None: getattr(message, "from").CopyFrom(commit_from(from_commit)) return self.__stub.ListCommit(message) else: message = pfs_pb2.ListCommitSetRequest() return self.__stub.ListCommitSet(message)
[docs] def squash_commit(self, commit_id: str) -> None: """Squashes a commit into its parent. Parameters ---------- commit_id : str The ID of the commit. """ message = pfs_pb2.SquashCommitSetRequest( commit_set=pfs_pb2.CommitSet(id=commit_id) ) self.__stub.SquashCommitSet(message)
[docs] def drop_commit(self, commit_id: str) -> None: """ Drops an entire commit. Parameters ---------- commit_id : str The ID of the commit. """ message = pfs_pb2.DropCommitSetRequest( commit_set=pfs_pb2.CommitSet(id=commit_id), ) self.__stub.DropCommitSet(message)
[docs] def wait_commit( self, commit: Union[str, SubcommitType] ) -> List[pfs_pb2.CommitInfo]: """Waits for the specified commit to finish. Parameters ---------- commit : Union[str, SubcommitType] A commit object to wait on. Can either be an entire commit or a subcommit (commit at the repo-level). Returns ------- List[pfs_pb2.CommitInfo] A list of protobuf objects that contain info on subcommits (commit at the repo-level). These are the individual subcommits this function waited on. Examples -------- >>> # wait for an entire commit to finish >>> subcommits = client.wait_commit("467c580611234cdb8cc9758c7aa96087") ... >>> # wait for a commit to finish at a certain repo >>> client.wait_commit(("foo", "master")) """ return list(self.inspect_commit(commit, pfs_pb2.CommitState.FINISHED))
[docs] def subscribe_commit( self, repo_name: str, branch: str, from_commit: Union[str, SubcommitType] = None, state: pfs_pb2.CommitState = pfs_pb2.CommitState.STARTED, all: bool = False, origin_kind: pfs_pb2.OriginKind = pfs_pb2.OriginKind.USER, ) -> Iterator[pfs_pb2.CommitInfo]: """Returns all commits on the branch and then listens for new commits that are created. Parameters ---------- repo_name : str The name of the repo. branch : str The name of the branch. from_commit : Union[str, SubcommitType], optional Return commits only from this commit and onwards. Can either be an entire commit or a subcommit (commit at the repo-level). state : {pfs_pb2.CommitState.STARTED, pfs_pb2.CommitState.READY, pfs_pb2.CommitState.FINISHING, pfs_pb2.CommitState.FINISHED}, optional Return commits only when they're at least in the specifed enum state. (Default value = ``pfs_pb2.CommitState.STARTED``) all : bool, optional If true, returns all types of commits. Otherwise, alias commits are excluded. origin_kind : {pfs_pb2.OriginKind.USER, pfs_pb2.OriginKind.AUTO, pfs_pb2.OriginKind.FSCK, pfs_pb2.OriginKind.ALIAS}, optional An enum that specifies how a commit originated. Returns only commits of this enum type. (Default value = ``pfs_pb2.OriginKind.USER``) Returns ------- Iterator[pfs_pb2.CommitInfo] An iterator of protobuf objects that contain info on subcommits (commits at the repo-level). Use ``next()`` to iterate through as the returned stream is potentially endless. Might block your code otherwise. Examples -------- >>> commits = client.subscribe_commit("foo", "master", state=pfs_pb2.CommitState.FINISHED) >>> c = next(commits) .. # noqa: W505 """ repo = pfs_pb2.Repo(name=repo_name, type="user") message = pfs_pb2.SubscribeCommitRequest( repo=repo, branch=branch, state=state, all=all, origin_kind=origin_kind, ) if from_commit is not None: if isinstance(from_commit, str): getattr(message, "from").CopyFrom( pfs_pb2.Commit(repo=repo, id=from_commit) ) else: getattr(message, "from").CopyFrom(commit_from(from_commit)) return self.__stub.SubscribeCommit(message)
[docs] def create_branch( self, repo_name: str, branch_name: str, head_commit: SubcommitType = None, provenance: List[pfs_pb2.Branch] = None, trigger: pfs_pb2.Trigger = None, new_commit: bool = False, ) -> None: """Creates a new branch. Parameters ---------- repo_name : str The name of the repo. branch_name : str The name of the new branch. head_commit : SubcommitType, optional A subcommit (commit at repo-level) indicating the head of the new branch. provenance : List[pfs_pb2.Branch], optional A list of branches to establish provenance with this newly created branch. trigger : pfs_pb2.Trigger, optional Sets the conditions under which the head of this branch moves. new_commit : bool, optional If true and `head_commit` is specified, uses a different commit ID for head than `head_commit`. Examples -------- >>> client.create_branch( ... "bar", ... "master", ... provenance=[ ... pfs_pb2.Branch( ... repo=pfs_pb2.Repo(name="foo", type="user"), name="master" ... ) ... ] ... ) .. # noqa: W505 """ message = pfs_pb2.CreateBranchRequest( branch=pfs_pb2.Branch( name=branch_name, repo=pfs_pb2.Repo(name=repo_name, type="user"), ), head=commit_from(head_commit), new_commit_set=new_commit, provenance=provenance, trigger=trigger, ) self.__stub.CreateBranch(message)
[docs] def inspect_branch(self, repo_name: str, branch_name: str) -> pfs_pb2.BranchInfo: """Inspects a branch. Parameters ---------- repo_name : str The name of the repo. branch_name : str The name of the branch. Returns ------- pfs_pb2.BranchInfo A protobuf object with info on a branch. """ message = pfs_pb2.InspectBranchRequest( branch=pfs_pb2.Branch( repo=pfs_pb2.Repo(name=repo_name, type="user"), name=branch_name ), ) return self.__stub.InspectBranch(message)
[docs] def list_branch( self, repo_name: str, reverse: bool = False ) -> Iterator[pfs_pb2.BranchInfo]: """Lists the active branch objects in a repo. Parameters ---------- repo_name : str The name of the repo. reverse : bool, optional If true, returns branches oldest to newest. Returns ------- Iterator[pfs_pb2.BranchInfo] An iterator of protobuf objects that contain info on a branch. Examples -------- >>> branches = list(client.list_branch("foo")) """ message = pfs_pb2.ListBranchRequest( repo=pfs_pb2.Repo(name=repo_name, type="user"), reverse=reverse, ) return self.__stub.ListBranch(message)
[docs] def delete_branch( self, repo_name: str, branch_name: str, force: bool = False ) -> None: """Deletes a branch, but leaves the commits themselves intact. In other words, those commits can still be accessed via commit IDs and other branches they happen to be on. Parameters ---------- repo_name : str The name of the repo. branch_name : str The name of the branch. force : bool, optional If true, forces the branch deletion. """ message = pfs_pb2.DeleteBranchRequest( branch=pfs_pb2.Branch( name=branch_name, repo=pfs_pb2.Repo(name=repo_name, type="user"), ), force=force, ) self.__stub.DeleteBranch(message)
[docs] @contextmanager def modify_file_client(self, commit: SubcommitType) -> Iterator["ModifyFileClient"]: """A context manager that gives a :class:`.ModifyFileClient`. When the context manager exits, any operations enqueued from the :class:`.ModifyFileClient` are executed in a single, atomic ModifyFile gRPC call. Parameters ---------- commit : Union[tuple, dict, Commit, pfs_pb2.Commit] A subcommit (commit at the repo-level) to modify. If this subcommit is opened before ``modify_file_client()`` is called, it will remain open after. If ``modify_file_client()`` opens the subcommit, it will close when exiting the ``with`` scope. Yields ------- ModifyFileClient An object that can queue operations to modify a commit atomically. Examples -------- On an open subcommit: >>> c = client.start_commit("foo", "master") >>> with client.modify_file_client(c) as mfc: >>> mfc.delete_file("/delete_me.txt") >>> mfc.put_file_from_url( ... "/new_file.txt", ... "" ... ) >>> client.finish_commit(c) Opening a subcommit: >>> with client.modify_file_client(("foo", "master")) as mfc: >>> mfc.delete_file("/delete_me.txt") >>> mfc.put_file_from_url( ... "/new_file.txt", ... "" ... ) """ mfc = ModifyFileClient(commit) yield mfc messages = mfc._reqs() self.__stub.ModifyFile(messages)
[docs] def put_file_bytes( self, commit: SubcommitType, path: str, value: Union[bytes, BinaryIO], datum: str = None, append: bool = False, ) -> None: """Uploads a PFS file from a file-like object, bytestring, or iterator of bytestrings. Parameters ---------- commit : SubcommitType An open subcommit (commit at the repo-level) to modify. path : str The path in the repo the file(s) will be written to. value : Union[bytes, BinaryIO] The file contents as bytes, represented as a file-like object, bytestring, or iterator of bystrings. datum : str, optional A tag for the added file(s). append : bool, optional If true, appends the data to the file(s) specified at `path`, if they already exist. Otherwise, overwrites them. Examples -------- Commit needs to be open still, either from the result of ``start_commit()`` or within scope of ``commit()`` >>> with client.commit("foo", "master") as c: >>> client.put_file_bytes(c, "/file.txt", b"SOME BYTES") """ with self.modify_file_client(commit) as mfc: if hasattr(value, "read"): mfc.put_file_from_fileobj( path, value, datum=datum, append=append, ) else: mfc.put_file_from_bytes( path, value, datum=datum, append=append, )
[docs] def put_file_url( self, commit: SubcommitType, path: str, url: str, recursive: bool = False, datum: str = None, append: bool = False, ) -> None: """Uploads a PFS file using the content found at a URL. The URL is sent to the server which performs the request. Parameters ---------- commit : SubcommitType An open subcommit (commit at the repo-level) to modify. path : str The path in the repo the file(s) will be written to. url : str The URL of the file to put. recursive : bool, optional If true, allows for recursive scraping on some types URLs, for example on s3:// URLs datum : str, optional A tag for the added file(s). append : bool, optional If true, appends the data to the file(s) specified at `path`, if they already exist. Otherwise, overwrites them. Examples -------- Commit needs to be open still, either from the result of ``start_commit()`` or within scope of ``commit()`` >>> with client.commit("foo", "master") as c: >>> client.put_file_url( ... c, ... "/file.txt", ... "" ... ) """ with self.modify_file_client(commit) as mfc: mfc.put_file_from_url( path, url, recursive=recursive, datum=datum, append=append, )
[docs] def copy_file( self, source_commit: SubcommitType, source_path: str, dest_commit: SubcommitType, dest_path: str, datum: str = None, append: bool = False, ) -> None: """Efficiently copies files already in PFS. Note that the destination repo cannot be an output repo, or the copy operation will silently fail. Parameters ---------- source_commit : SubcommitType The subcommit (commit at the repo-level) which holds the source file. source_path : str The path of the source file. dest_commit : SubcommitType The open subcommit (commit at the repo-level) to which to add the file. dest_path : str The path of the destination file. datum : str, optional A tag for the added file. append : bool, optional If true, appends the content of `source_path` to the file at `dest_path`, if it already exists. Otherwise, overwrites the file. Examples -------- Destination commit needs to be open still, either from the result of ``start_commit()`` or within scope of ``commit()`` >>> with client.commit("bar", "master") as c: >>> client.copy_file(("foo", "master"), "/src/file.txt", c, "/file.txt") .. # noqa: W505 """ with self.modify_file_client(dest_commit) as mfc: mfc.copy_file( source_commit, source_path, dest_path, datum=datum, append=append )
[docs] def get_file( self, commit: SubcommitType, path: str, datum: str = None, URL: str = None, offset: int = 0, ) -> PFSFile: """Gets a file from PFS. Parameters ---------- commit : SubcommitType The subcommit (commit at the repo-level) to get the file from. path : str The path of the file. datum : str, optional A tag that filters the files. URL : str, optional Specifies an object storage URL that the file will be uploaded to. offset : int, optional Allows file read to begin at `offset` number of bytes. Returns ------- PFSFile The contents of the file in a file-like object. """ message = pfs_pb2.GetFileRequest( file=pfs_pb2.File(commit=commit_from(commit), path=path, datum=datum), URL=URL, offset=offset, ) stream = self.__stub.GetFile(message) return PFSFile(stream)
[docs] def get_file_tar( self, commit: SubcommitType, path: str, datum: str = None, URL: str = None, offset: int = 0, ) -> PFSTarFile: """Gets a file from PFS. Parameters ---------- commit : SubcommitType The subcommit (commit at the repo-level) to get the file from. path : str The path of the file. datum : str, optional A tag that filters the files. URL : str, optional Specifies an object storage URL that the file will be uploaded to. offset : int, optional Allows file read to begin at `offset` number of bytes. Returns ------- PFSFile The contents of the file in a file-like object. """ message = pfs_pb2.GetFileRequest( file=pfs_pb2.File(commit=commit_from(commit), path=path, datum=datum), URL=URL, offset=offset, ) stream = self.__stub.GetFileTAR(message) return, mode="r|*")
[docs] def inspect_file( self, commit: SubcommitType, path: str, datum: str = None, ) -> pfs_pb2.FileInfo: """Inspects a file. Parameters ---------- commit : SubcommitType The subcommit (commit at the repo-level) to inspect the file from. path : str The path of the file. datum : str, optional A tag that filters the files. Returns ------- pfs_pb2.FileInfo A protobuf object that contains info on a file. """ message = pfs_pb2.InspectFileRequest( file=pfs_pb2.File(commit=commit_from(commit), path=path, datum=datum), ) return self.__stub.InspectFile(message)
[docs] def list_file( self, commit: SubcommitType, path: str, datum: str = None, ) -> Iterator[pfs_pb2.FileInfo]: """Lists the files in a directory. Parameters ---------- commit : SubcommitType The subcommit (commit at the repo-level) to list files from. path : str The path to the directory. datum : str, optional A tag that filters the files. Returns ------- Iterator[pfs_pb2.FileInfo] An iterator of protobuf objects that contain info on files. Examples -------- >>> files = list(client.list_file(("foo", "master"), "/dir/subdir/")) """ message = pfs_pb2.ListFileRequest( file=pfs_pb2.File(commit=commit_from(commit), path=path, datum=datum), ) return self.__stub.ListFile(message)
[docs] def walk_file( self, commit: SubcommitType, path: str, datum: str = None, ) -> Iterator[pfs_pb2.FileInfo]: """Walks over all descendant files in a directory. Parameters ---------- commit : SubcommitType The subcommit (commit at the repo-level) to walk files in. path : str The path to the directory. datum : str, optional A tag that filters the files. Returns ------- Iterator[pfs_pb2.FileInfo] An iterator of protobuf objects that contain info on files. Examples -------- >>> files = list(client.walk_file(("foo", "master"), "/dir/subdir/")) """ message = pfs_pb2.WalkFileRequest( file=pfs_pb2.File(commit=commit_from(commit), path=path, datum=datum), ) return self.__stub.WalkFile(message)
[docs] def glob_file( self, commit: SubcommitType, pattern: str ) -> Iterator[pfs_pb2.FileInfo]: """Lists files that match a glob pattern. Parameters ---------- commit : SubcommitType The subcommit (commit at the repo-level) to query against. pattern : str A glob pattern. Returns ------- Iterator[pfs_pb2.FileInfo] An iterator of protobuf objects that contain info on files. Examples -------- >>> files = list(client.glob_file(("foo", "master"), "/*.txt")) """ message = pfs_pb2.GlobFileRequest( commit=commit_from(commit), pattern=pattern, ) return self.__stub.GlobFile(message)
[docs] def delete_file(self, commit: SubcommitType, path: str) -> None: """Deletes a file from an open commit. This leaves a tombstone in the commit, assuming the file isn't written to later while the commit is still open. Attempting to get the file from the finished commit will result in a not found error. The file will of course remain intact in the commit's parent. Parameters ---------- commit : SubcommitType The open subcommit (commit at the repo-level) to delete a file from. path : str The path to the file. Examples -------- Commit needs to be open still, either from the result of ``start_commit()`` or within scope of ``commit()`` >>> with client.commit("bar", "master") as c: >>> client.delete_file(c, "/delete_me.txt") """ with self.modify_file_client(commit) as mfc: mfc.delete_file(path)
[docs] def fsck(self, fix: bool = False) -> Iterator[pfs_pb2.FsckResponse]: """Performs a file system consistency check on PFS, ensuring the correct provenance relationships are satisfied. Parameters ---------- fix : bool, optional If true, attempts to fix as many problems as possible. Returns ------- Iterator[pfs_pb2.FsckResponse] An iterator of protobuf objects that contain info on either what error was encountered (and was unable to be fixed, if `fix` is set to ``True``) or a fix message (if `fix` is set to ``True``). Examples -------- >>> for action in client.fsck(True): >>> print(action) """ message = pfs_pb2.FsckRequest(fix=fix) return self.__stub.Fsck(message)
[docs] def diff_file( self, new_commit: SubcommitType, new_path: str, old_commit: SubcommitType = None, old_path: str = None, shallow: bool = False, ) -> Iterator[pfs_pb2.DiffFileResponse]: """Diffs two PFS files (file = commit + path in Pachyderm) and returns files that are different. Similar to ``git diff``. If `old_commit` or `old_path` are not specified, `old_commit` will be set to the parent of `new_commit` and `old_path` will be set to `new_path`. Parameters ---------- new_commit : SubcommitType The newer subcommit (commit at the repo-level). new_path : str The path in `new_commit` to compare with. old_commit : SubcommitType, optional The older subcommit (commit at the repo-level). old_path : str, optional The path in `old_commit` to compare with. shallow : bool, optional Unused. Returns ------- Iterator[pfs_pb2.DiffFileResponse] An iterator of protobuf objects that contain info on files whose content has changed between commits. If a file under one of the paths is only in one commit, than the ``DiffFileResponse`` for it will only have one ``FileInfo`` set. Examples -------- >>> # Compare files >>> res = client.diff_file( ... ("foo", "master"), ... "/a/file.txt", ... ("foo", "master~2"), ... "/a/file.txt" ... ) >>> diff = next(res) ... >>> # Compare files in directories >>> res = client.diff_file( ... ("foo", "master"), ... "/a/", ... ("foo", "master~2"), ... "/a/" ... ) >>> diff = next(res) """ if old_commit is not None and old_path is not None: old_file = pfs_pb2.File(commit=commit_from(old_commit), path=old_path) else: old_file = None message = pfs_pb2.DiffFileRequest( new_file=pfs_pb2.File(commit=commit_from(new_commit), path=new_path), old_file=old_file, shallow=shallow, ) return self.__stub.DiffFile(message)
[docs] def path_exists(self, commit: SubcommitType, path: str) -> bool: """Checks whether the path exists in the specified commit, agnostic to whether `path` is a file or a directory. Parameters ---------- commit : SubcommitType The subcommit (commit at the repo-level) to check in. path : str The file or directory path in `commit`. Returns ------- bool Returns ``True`` if `path` exists in `commit`. Otherwise, returns ``False``. """ try: self.inspect_file(commit, path) except Exception as e: valid_commit_re = re.compile("^file .+ not found in repo .+ at commit .+$") invalid_commit_re = re.compile("^branch .+ not found in repo .+$") if valid_commit_re.match(e.details()): return False elif invalid_commit_re.match(e.details()): raise ValueError("bad argument: nonexistent commit provided") raise e return True
[docs]class ModifyFileClient: """:class:`.ModifyFileClient` puts or deletes PFS files atomically. Replaces :class:`.PutFileClient` from python_pachyderm 6.x. """ def __init__(self, commit: SubcommitType): self._ops = [] self.commit = commit_from(commit) def _reqs(self) -> Iterator[pfs_pb2.ModifyFileRequest]: yield pfs_pb2.ModifyFileRequest(set_commit=self.commit) for op in self._ops: yield from op.reqs()
[docs] def put_file_from_filepath( self, pfs_path: str, local_path: str, datum: str = None, append: bool = False, ) -> None: """Uploads a PFS file from a local path at a specified path. This will lazily open files, which will prevent too many files from being opened, or too much memory being consumed, when atomically putting many files. Parameters ---------- pfs_path : str The path in the repo the file will be written to. local_path : str The local file path. datum : str, optional A tag for the added file. append : bool, optional If true, appends the content of `local_path` to the file at `pfs_path`, if it already exists. Otherwise, overwrites the file. """ self._ops.append( _AtomicModifyFilepathOp( pfs_path, local_path, datum, append, ) )
[docs] def put_file_from_fileobj( self, path: str, value: BinaryIO, datum: str = None, append: bool = False, ) -> None: """Uploads a PFS file from a file-like object. Parameters ---------- path : str The path in the repo the file will be written to. value : BinaryIO The file-like object. datum : str, optional A tag for the added file. append : bool, optional If true, appends the content of `value` to the file at `path`, if it already exists. Otherwise, overwrites the file. """ self._ops.append( _AtomicModifyFileobjOp( path, value, datum, append, ) )
[docs] def put_file_from_bytes( self, path: str, value: bytes, datum: str = None, append: bool = False, ) -> None: """Uploads a PFS file from a bytestring. Parameters ---------- path : str The path in the repo the file will be written to. value : BinaryIO The file-like object. datum : str, optional A tag for the added file. append : bool, optional If true, appends the content of `value` to the file at `path`, if it already exists. Otherwise, overwrites the file. """ self.put_file_from_fileobj( path, io.BytesIO(value), datum=datum, append=append, )
[docs] def put_file_from_url( self, path: str, url: str, datum: str = None, append: bool = False, recursive: bool = False, ) -> None: """Uploads a PFS File from the content found at a URL. The URL is sent to the server which performs the request. Parameters ---------- path : str The path in the repo the file will be written to. url : str The URL of the file to upload. datum : str, optional A tag for the added file. append : bool, optional If true, appends the content to the file at `path`, if it already exists. Otherwise, overwrites the file. recursive : bool, optional If true, allows for recursive scraping on some types URLs, for example on s3:// URLs """ self._ops.append( _AtomicModifyFileURLOp( path, url, datum=datum, append=append, recursive=recursive, ) )
[docs] def delete_file(self, path: str, datum: str = None) -> None: """Deletes a file. Parameters ---------- path : str The path to the file. datum : str, optional A tag that filters the files. """ self._ops.append(_AtomicDeleteFileOp(path, datum=datum))
[docs] def copy_file( self, source_commit: SubcommitType, source_path: str, dest_path: str, datum: str = None, append: bool = False, ) -> None: """Copy a file. Parameters ---------- source_commit : SubcommitType The commit the source file is in. source_path : str The path to the source file. dest_path : str The path to the destination file. datum : str, optional A tag for the added file. append : bool, optional If true, appends the content of the source file to the destination file, if it already exists. Otherwise, overwrites the file. """ self._ops.append( _AtomicCopyFileOp( source_commit, source_path, dest_path, datum=datum, append=append, ) )
class _AtomicOp: """Represents an operation in a `ModifyFile` call.""" def __init__(self, path: str, datum: str): self.path = path self.datum = datum def reqs(self): """Yields one or more protobuf `ModifyFileRequests`, which are then enqueued into the request's channel. """ pass class _AtomicModifyFilepathOp(_AtomicOp): """A `ModifyFile` operation to put a file locally stored at a given path. This file is opened on-demand, which helps with minimizing the number of open files. """ def __init__( self, pfs_path: str, local_path: str, datum: str = None, append: bool = False ): super().__init__(pfs_path, datum) self.local_path = local_path self.append = append def reqs(self) -> Iterator[pfs_pb2.ModifyFileRequest]: if not self.append: yield _delete_file_req(self.path, self.datum) with open(self.local_path, "rb") as f: yield _add_file_req(path=self.path, datum=self.datum) for _, chunk in enumerate(f): yield _add_file_req(path=self.path, datum=self.datum, chunk=chunk) class _AtomicModifyFileobjOp(_AtomicOp): """A `ModifyFile` operation to put a file from a file-like object.""" def __init__( self, path: str, fobj: BinaryIO, datum: str = None, append: bool = False ): super().__init__(path, datum) self.fobj = fobj self.append = append def reqs(self) -> Iterator[pfs_pb2.ModifyFileRequest]: if not self.append: yield _delete_file_req(self.path, self.datum) yield _add_file_req(path=self.path, datum=self.datum) for _ in itertools.count(): chunk = if len(chunk) == 0: return yield _add_file_req(path=self.path, datum=self.datum, chunk=chunk) class _AtomicModifyFileURLOp(_AtomicOp): """A `ModifyFile` operation to put a file from a URL.""" def __init__( self, path: str, url: str, datum: str = None, append: bool = False, recursive: bool = False, ): super().__init__(path, datum) self.url = url self.recursive = recursive self.append = append def reqs(self) -> Iterator[pfs_pb2.ModifyFileRequest]: if not self.append: yield _delete_file_req(self.path, self.datum) yield pfs_pb2.ModifyFileRequest( add_file=pfs_pb2.AddFile( path=self.path, datum=self.datum, url=pfs_pb2.AddFile.URLSource( URL=self.url, recursive=self.recursive, ), ), ) class _AtomicCopyFileOp(_AtomicOp): """A `ModifyFile` operation to copy a file.""" def __init__( self, source_commit: SubcommitType, source_path: str, dest_path: str, datum: str = None, append: bool = False, ): super().__init__(dest_path, datum) self.source_commit = commit_from(source_commit) self.source_path = source_path self.dest_path = dest_path self.append = append def reqs(self) -> Iterator[pfs_pb2.ModifyFileRequest]: yield pfs_pb2.ModifyFileRequest( copy_file=pfs_pb2.CopyFile( append=self.append, datum=self.datum, dst=self.dest_path, src=pfs_pb2.File(commit=self.source_commit, path=self.source_path), ), ) class _AtomicDeleteFileOp(_AtomicOp): """A `ModifyFile` operation to delete a file.""" def __init__(self, pfs_path: str, datum: str = None): super().__init__(pfs_path, datum) def reqs(self): yield _delete_file_req(self.path, self.datum) def _add_file_req(path: str, datum: str = None, chunk: bytes = None): return pfs_pb2.ModifyFileRequest( add_file=pfs_pb2.AddFile( path=path, datum=datum, raw=wrappers_pb2.BytesValue(value=chunk) ), ) def _delete_file_req(path: str, datum: str = None): return pfs_pb2.ModifyFileRequest( delete_file=pfs_pb2.DeleteFile(path=path, datum=datum) )