Source code for python_pachyderm.mixin.auth

from typing import Dict, List

import grpc

from python_pachyderm.errors import AuthServiceNotActivated
from python_pachyderm.proto.v2.auth import auth_pb2, auth_pb2_grpc

[docs]class AuthMixin: """A mixin for auth-related functionality.""" _channel: grpc.Channel def __init__(self): self.__stub = auth_pb2_grpc.APIStub(self._channel) super().__init__()
[docs] def activate_auth(self, root_token: str = None) -> str: """Activates auth on the cluster. Returns the root token, an irrevocable superuser credential that should be stored securely. Parameters ---------- root_token : str, optional If set, the token used as the root user login token. In general, it is safer to not set and let Pachyderm generate one for you. Returns ------- str A token used as the root user login token. """ message = auth_pb2.ActivateRequest(root_token=root_token) return self.__stub.Activate(message).pach_token
[docs] def deactivate_auth(self) -> None: """Deactivates auth, removing all ACLs, tokens, and admins from the Pachyderm cluster and making all data publicly accessible. Raises ------ AuthServiceNotActivated """ message = auth_pb2.DeactivateRequest() try: self.__stub.Deactivate(message) except grpc.RpcError as err: raise AuthServiceNotActivated.try_from(err)
[docs] def get_auth_configuration(self) -> auth_pb2.OIDCConfig: """Gets the auth configuration. Returns ------- auth_pb2.OIDCConfig A protobuf object with auth configuration information. """ message = auth_pb2.GetConfigurationRequest() return self.__stub.GetConfiguration(message).configuration
[docs] def set_auth_configuration(self, configuration: auth_pb2.OIDCConfig) -> None: """Sets the auth configuration. Parameters ---------- configuration : auth_pb2.OIDCConfig A protobuf object with auth configuration information. Examples -------- >>> client.set_auth_configuration(auth_pb2.OIDCConfig( ... issuer="http://localhost:1658", ... client_id="client", ... client_secret="secret", ... redirect_uri="", ... )) """ message = auth_pb2.SetConfigurationRequest(configuration=configuration) self.__stub.SetConfiguration(message)
[docs] def get_role_binding( self, resource: auth_pb2.Resource ) -> Dict[str, auth_pb2.Roles]: """Returns the current set of role bindings to the resource specified. Parameters ---------- resource : auth_pb2.Resource A protobuf object representing the resource being checked. Returns ------- Dict[str, auth_pb2.Roles] A dictionary mapping the principals to the roles they have. Examples -------- >>> client.get_role_binding(auth_pb2.Resource(type=auth_pb2.CLUSTER)) { 'robot:someuser': roles { key: "clusterAdmin" value: true }, 'pach:root': roles { key: "clusterAdmin" value: true } } ... >>> client.get_role_binding(auth_pb2.Resource(type=auth_pb2.REPO, name="foobar")) { 'user:person_a': roles { key: "repoWriter" value: true }, 'pach:root': roles { key: "repoOwner" value: true } } .. # noqa: W505 """ message = auth_pb2.GetRoleBindingRequest(resource=resource) return self.__stub.GetRoleBinding(message).binding.entries
[docs] def modify_role_binding( self, resource: auth_pb2.Resource, principal: str, roles: List[str] = None ) -> None: """Sets the roles for a given principal on a resource. Parameters ---------- resource : auth_pb2.Resource A protobuf object representing the resource to grant the roles on. principal : str The principal to grant the roles for. roles : List[str], optional The absolute list of roles for the principtal to have. If roles is unset, the principal will have no roles. Examples -------- You can find some of the built-in roles here: >>> client.modify_role_binding( ... auth_pb2.Resource(type=auth_pb2.CLUSTER), ... "user:someuser", ... roles=["clusterAdmin"] ... ) >>> client.modify_role_binding( ... auth_pb2.Resource(type=auth_pb2.REPO, name="foobar"), ... "user:someuser", ... roles=["repoWriter"] ... ) """ message = auth_pb2.ModifyRoleBindingRequest( resource=resource, principal=principal, roles=roles, ) self.__stub.ModifyRoleBinding(message)
[docs] def get_oidc_login(self) -> auth_pb2.GetOIDCLoginResponse: """Gets the OIDC login configuration. Returns ------- auth_pb2.GetOIDCLoginResponse A protobuf object with the login configuration information. """ message = auth_pb2.GetOIDCLoginRequest() return self.__stub.GetOIDCLogin(message)
[docs] def authenticate_oidc(self, oidc_state: str) -> str: """Authenticates a user to the Pachyderm cluster via OIDC. Parameters ---------- oidc_state : str An OIDC state token. Returns ------- str A token that can be used for making authenticate requests. """ message = auth_pb2.AuthenticateRequest(oidc_state=oidc_state) return self.__stub.Authenticate(message).pach_token
[docs] def authenticate_id_token(self, id_token: str) -> str: """Authenticates a user to the Pachyderm cluster using an ID token issued by the OIDC provider. The token must include the Pachyderm client_id in the set of audiences to be valid. Parameters ---------- id_token : str The ID token. Returns ------- str A token that can be used for making authenticate requests. """ message = auth_pb2.AuthenticateRequest(id_token=id_token) return self.__stub.Authenticate(message).pach_token
[docs] def authorize( self, resource: auth_pb2.Resource, permissions: List["auth_pb2.Permission"] = None, ) -> auth_pb2.AuthorizeResponse: """Tests a list of permissions that the user might have on a resource. Parameters ---------- resource : auth_pb2.Resource The resource the user wants to test on. permissions : List[auth_pb2.Permission], optional The list of permissions the users wants to test. Returns ------- auth_pb2.AuthorizeResponse A protobuf object that indicates whether the user/principal had all the inputted permissions on the resource, which permissions the user had, which permissions the user lacked, and the name of the principal. Examples -------- >>> client.authorize( ... auth_pb2.Resource(type=auth_pb2.REPO, name="foobar"), ... [auth_pb2.Permission.REPO_READ] ... ) authorized: true satisfied: REPO_READ principal: "pach:root" """ message = auth_pb2.AuthorizeRequest(resource=resource, permissions=permissions) return self.__stub.Authorize(message)
[docs] def who_am_i(self) -> auth_pb2.WhoAmIResponse: """Returns info about the user tied to this `Client`. Returns ------- auth_pb2.WhoAmIResponse A protobuf object that returns the username and expiration for the token used. """ message = auth_pb2.WhoAmIRequest() return self.__stub.WhoAmI(message)
[docs] def get_roles_for_permission( self, permission: auth_pb2.Permission ) -> List[auth_pb2.Role]: """Returns a list of all roles that have the specified permission. Parameters ---------- permission : auth_pb2.Permission The Permission enum to check for. Returns ------- List[auth_pb2.Role] A list of Role protobuf objects that all have the specified permission. Examples -------- All available permissions can be found in auth proto Permissions enum >>> roles = client.get_roles_for_permission(auth_pb2.Permission.REPO_READ) .. # noqa: W505 """ message = auth_pb2.GetRolesForPermissionRequest(permission=permission) return self.__stub.GetRolesForPermission(message).roles
[docs] def get_robot_token(self, robot: str, ttl: int = None) -> str: """Gets a new auth token for a robot user. Parameters ---------- robot : str The name of the robot user. ttl : int, optional The remaining lifetime of this token in seconds. If unset, token doesn't expire. Returns ------- str The new auth token. """ message = auth_pb2.GetRobotTokenRequest(robot=robot, ttl=ttl) return self.__stub.GetRobotToken(message).token
[docs] def revoke_auth_token(self, token: str) -> None: """Revokes an auth token. Parameters ---------- token : str The Pachyderm token being revoked. """ message = auth_pb2.RevokeAuthTokenRequest(token=token) self.__stub.RevokeAuthToken(message)
[docs] def set_groups_for_user(self, username: str, groups: List[str]) -> None: """Sets the group membership for a user. Parameters ---------- username : str The username to be added. groups : List[str] The groups to add the username to. Examples -------- >>> client.set_groups_for_user("user:someuser", ["foogroup", "bargroup"]) .. # noqa: W505 """ message = auth_pb2.SetGroupsForUserRequest(username=username, groups=groups) self.__stub.SetGroupsForUser(message)
[docs] def modify_members( self, group: str, add: List[str] = None, remove: List[str] = None ) -> None: """Adds and/or removes members of a group. Parameters ---------- group : str The group to modify. add : List[str], optional A list of strings specifying members to add. remove : List[str], optional A list of strings specifying members to remove. Examples -------- >>> client.modify_members( ... "foogroup", ... add=["user:otheruser"], ... remove=["user:someuser"] ... ) """ message = auth_pb2.ModifyMembersRequest(group=group, add=add, remove=remove) self.__stub.ModifyMembers(message)
[docs] def get_groups(self) -> List[str]: """Gets a list of groups this user belongs to. Returns ------- List[str] List of groups the user belongs to. """ message = auth_pb2.GetGroupsRequest() return self.__stub.GetGroups(message).groups
[docs] def get_users(self, group: str) -> List[str]: """Gets users in a group. Parameters ---------- group : str The group to list users from. Returns ------- List[str] All the users in the specified group. """ message = auth_pb2.GetUsersRequest(group=group) return self.__stub.GetUsers(message).usernames
[docs] def extract_auth_tokens(self): """This maps to an internal function that is only used for migration. Pachyderm's `extract` and `restore` functionality calls `extract_auth_tokens` and `restore_auth_tokens` to move Pachyderm tokens between clusters during migration. Currently this function is only used for Pachyderm internals, so we're avoiding support for this function in python-pachyderm client until we find a use for it (feel free to file an issue in """ raise NotImplementedError( "extract/restore are for testing and internal use only" )
[docs] def restore_auth_token(self, token=None): """This maps to an internal function that is only used for migration. Pachyderm's `extract` and `restore` functionality calls `extract_auth_tokens` and `restore_auth_tokens` to move Pachyderm tokens between clusters during migration. Currently this function is only used for Pachyderm internals, so we're avoiding support for this function in python-pachyderm client until we find a use for it (feel free to file an issue in """ raise NotImplementedError( "extract/restore are for testing and internal use only" )